Eastar Gold Trumpet (2023 Review)

Eastar Gold Trumpet (2023 Review)

There are a wide range of instruments that you can buy that have different price tags in today’s market and it is always a good idea to get an instrument that matches your skill level. In this article, we will review the Eastar Gold Trumpet which is a great option for beginners and intermediate trumpet student.

Before getting to our detailed review, we should mention that Eastar Gold Trumpet is a great trumpet that might be preferred by beginner and intermediate players that is manufactured by a very trustworthy brand. Considering its price tag, it has great features and you can consider this product if you don’t want to break bank to buy a high-quality instrument.

Eastar Gold Trumpet Review

About: Eastar is a very popular brand among musical students thanks to very high-quality instruments they make that come with a reasonable price tag and this trumpet made by them is a great example of it.

Features: As we mentioned above, this trumpet comes with a very reasonable price tag but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t expect a decent sound quality from this instrument because it has a great sound quality that you wouldn’t assume from an instrument at this price range. The main reason for that is that the copper lead provides a great airflow, which makes it possible to generate great notes up and down the scale.

As for the material, it is worth mentioning that Eastar Gold Trumpet is made of copper and stylish gold lacquer which is great considering its price tag. You might also buy this instrument in different colors such as black, blue, nickel, purple, red and sky blue.

Most trumpet students prefer the gold material for a couple of reasons. The first reason for that choice is because it is the common precedent and it is also less likely to show the defects on it.

We also like the fact that this trumpet comes with a 1-year manufacturer’s warranty which is essential because even though it is not likely some instrument can have some defects that happen during the production and it is always good to have the option to send back the instrument you buy within one year after your purchase.

It is also worth mentioning that this product has very high-quality vales that have a good rebound. Keep in mind that you need to oil the valves regularly so that it feels smooth when you play the trumpet but we should also say that internal parts of the pipes are cleaned three times with an ultrasonic wave.

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Durability is another aspect that we like about this product. Eastar has been in the business for overy 20 years and that is why they know what they’re doing. So, we’re confident that you can play Eastar Gold Trumpet for long years in normal conditions.

As we mentioned in the beginning of our review, Eastar Gold Trumpet is a student trumpet which has been designed for beginners and intermediate players and that is also the reason why it is very easy to play. So, this product is worth consideration if you want to get a high-quality trumpet but don’t want to pay a lot of money.

Buyer’s Guide

If you come to a place where you decide to buy an instrument, then you’re at a very lucky place in your life because buying an instrument is a very exciting thing but there are also things that you need to look for in an instrument so that you can make a better decision that you will not regret later. Therefore, we want to inform you a little bit about the trumpets and a general buying process that you will encounter during your purchase. So, let’s get right into it.

Is There a Difference Between Professional and Student Trumpets?

Like most things buy, it is true that you get what you pay for. However, that doesn’t mean that it is not possible to buy an instrument for a very reasonable price tag. In fact, it is very possible since in today’s market, there are a lot of trustworthy brands that make very high-quality products.

To come back to our question, is there a difference between a professional trumpet and a student trumpet? Our answer to that question would be of course yes. Like there is a difference between an expensive and a cheaper car, there is a in difference in quality between expensive and cheap instruments.

It is also worth mentioning that buying a very expensive instrument if you’re a beginner doesn’t make a lot sense since you’re not sure whether you’re going to stick with that habit. However, it definitely makes sense to pay hundreds or even thousands of dollars if you’re a professional trumpet player.

 As for the difference between expensive and budget friendly instruments, we can say that those differences can be subtle or noticeable depending on your level. A student trumpet won’t reach the same range as a professional but beginner students won’t need a trumpet that can reach multiple octaves and are made of gold. Also, budget friendly trumpets are often more lightweight to be held more easily by children.

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The general advice to get a trumpet according to your level. If you’re beginner, the best thing you can do is to get a high-quality and a budget friendly instrument that you can play for a long time. On the other hand, if you’re an advanced trumpet player, buying budget friendly, beginner or an intermediate trumpet would make sense.

Eastar Gold Trumpet (2023 Review)

How Much Should You Pay for a Trumpet?

It is an answer that we give to most questions and we will do the same here. It depends on your level and your expectations from a trumpet. In today’s market, it is possible to buy a very good trumpet by spending 100$ -300$ Dollars and you can also buy an advanced trumpet buy spending over a 1000$ Dollars.

It also makes sense to get an intermediate level trumpet when you’ve just started playing trumpet for a price that is a little bit higher so that you can also play it when you can play it for a longer period of time.

As we mentioned above, it really depends on your expectations from a trumpet and what you want to buy that trumpet for. Luckily, it possible to get a very good trumpet for a reasonable price tag and you can also read the reviews when you’re making your choice so that you don’t regret your decision later.

Used vs. New Trumpet

There are a few ways to buy a trumpet including buying a brand new one, a used one and you can also rent your trumpet if you don’t want to play that instrument for a long time. The decision that you’re going to make highly depends on your goal since every way of obtaining an instrument might make sense in some cases.

As a general rule, the safest way to get an instrument is to buy a new one since the problems that you’re going to encounter won’t be that much. However, since the chance of having problems is less likely, it also means that you will have to pay more for a brand-new trumpet.

So, it only makes sense to buy a new trumpet if you’re serious about the habit of playing an instrument since there is a chance that you will have spent a lot of money for an instrument that you’re not going to play.

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However, we strongly suggest buying a brand-new trumpet if you have the budget for it for a lot of reasons. The first reason would be the sanitary reasons. If you buy a brand-new trumpet, you won’t have to worry about the hygiene about the product that you buy which is not something that you encounter in a used product. You won’t also have to worry about any defect that the trumpet that you buy will have since it is less likely to have any defects such as playing some notes.

That being said, it always makes sense to buy a used instrument if you want to save some money as long as you’re careful about some things that need to be looked for when you’re making your choice.

The first thing that we want to say if you decide to buy a used instrument is to buy a new mouthpiece for the sanitary purposes. Also, make sure that you do the proper research and ask a lot of questions to the seller to avoid any potential issues that you might encounter later.

The most common issues that musical students encounter include having issues with playing some notes, scratches and other defects on the instrument. That is why, counterintuitively, it might be a better choice to get a used trumpet if you’re an advanced player since you will have a better understanding of the product that you’re trying to buy which is very important to avoid buying a trumpet that has some defects on it.

Renting is another option to obtain a trumpet which is something that mostly beginners or musical students who are going to play the instrument for a short period of time prefer. It can be a great option to buying if you’re not sure about how long you’re going to play the instrument for.

It is also worth mentioning that you will be responsible for all the damages that will happen on the trumpet that you buy if you decide to rent instead of buy which is a negative aspect of renting.

Conclusion: Eastar Gold Trumpet [2023 Review]

In this article, we wanted review a great budget friendly trumpet which is Eastar Gold Trumpet. We talked about the pros and cons of this product in a detailed way so that you can have a better understanding of whether this trumpet is a good option for you.

We can say that it is a great trumpet that you can play for a very long time if you’re not an advance player since it is an amazing product that has some nice features.

It is also worth mentioning that we review other great trumpets before such as Eastrock Trumpet. Don’t forget it to check it out.

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